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Pepe Coin: What Would Have Happened to Your $1,000 Investment in April?

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    Pepe Coin entered the top 100 list of cryptocurrencies by market cap this week and outperformed the existing tokens. The new meme currency has tripled in price in the last three days generating early investors sacks of profits. In the last two weeks, Pepe Coin spiked nearly 500% and beat leading cryptocurrencies returns’ by a mile.

    Investors who took an early entry position made stellar returns and their portfolio is ballooning every day. One lucky investor who entered the coin minutes after its launch turned into a millionaire in just four days. However, not everyone could get the opportunity to enter a token within minutes after its launch. It is not known if the investor is a part of the token or an outsider at the moment.

    Also Read: Pepe Coin: Man Makes $8 Million in 3 Weeks With a $251 Investment

    The story of the wallet is developing and more details will be revealed as things unfold. In this article, we will highlight how much money could you have made today if you invested $1,000 into Pepe Coin in April 2023.

    Pepe Coin began trading at $0.00000002764 on April 17, 2023 and ended the day with a phenomenal rise reaching $.00000007957. Therefore, for $1,000, you could have got to accumulate 36,179,450,072 tokens (36 billion) during that period, which was only 16 days ago.

    The meme currency deleted two ‘zeroes’ in two weeks and is now trading in the indices with only five ‘zeroes’. Its price is hovering around $0.00000101 today but is down nearly 25% in the last 24 hours.

    Also Read: Shiba Inu: Investor Misses Making $1 Billion With $2,000 Investment in SHIB

    Source: Coingecko.com

    Therefore, the $1,000 investment of 36 billion tokens would have turned to $36,541 today if you invested on April 17, 2023. That’s an uptick of 36,000% in 16 days with an average growth of 2,250% every day from investment till today.

    At press time, Pepe Coin was trading at $0.00000101 and is down 23.7% in the 24-hour day trade. It is also down 27.48% from its all-time high of $0.00000138, which it reached on May 1, 2023.


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    Author: Jose Fitzgerald

    Last Updated: 1702130162

    Views: 1067

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    Name: Jose Fitzgerald

    Birthday: 1927-12-15

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    Job: Article Writer

    Hobby: Cooking, Metalworking, Wildlife Photography, Quilting, Playing Guitar, Sewing, Painting

    Introduction: My name is Jose Fitzgerald, I am a vivid, unswerving, Open, forthright, important, fearless, unguarded person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.