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In these nations, YouTube Premium will cost more - Times of India

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    YouTube Premium

    's price hike, which was implemented in the United States in July, is now being rolled out internationally. The increase is being introduced gradually across Europe, Asia-Pacific, and

    South America

    As of November 1st, YouTube Premium subscribers in Argentina, Australia, Austria, Chile, Germany, Poland, and Turkey will see a price increase for individual, family, and student plans for both YouTube Premium and

    YouTube Music Premium


    In July, the company raised the price of YouTube Premium in the United States. The monthly cost of the individual plan increased from $11.99 to $13.99, while the family plan remained at $22.99 per month. Similarly, the student plan also remained unchanged at $7.99 per month.
    The price hike is being rolled out at different times across Europe, Asia-Pacific, and South America, rather than all countries in the region being affected at the same time.

    In Australia, YouTube Premium Individual's price is now A$16.99, which is the first-ever price increase for the subscription. However, YouTube has confirmed that users paying the lower legacy rate of A$11.99 will continue to pay that rate for at least three more months.
    Current subscribers will begin to see the new prices with their next billing cycle. In an email announcement, YouTube stated that it did not make this decision lightly and that the price increase would allow the company to continue improving its Premium service and supporting the creators and artists on its platform.

    The price hike comes days after YouTube started cracking down on users who use ad blockers. Users that have ad blockers are being warned to turn it off if they continue to watch videos or subscribe to YouTube Premium. After three warnings, the video playback is disabled.

    Premium provides ad-free video streaming, offline video downloads,

    YouTube Music

    Premium, continue watching, Premium playback controls, and more. Visit the YouTube website to learn about the benefits and membership offerings.


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    Author: Jasmine Zavala

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    Name: Jasmine Zavala

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    Introduction: My name is Jasmine Zavala, I am a resolved, bold, vibrant, intrepid, exquisite, spirited, dear person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.