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At Deutsche Bank, a monitor is installed by the German regulator

REVIEW: File photo of the logo on the administration building of Bafin, the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority, in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

By Tom Sims

Germany’s top financial regulator is appointing a special monitor to Deutsche Bank to oversee the lender’s handling of consumer service problems at its Postbank unit, a blow to the reputation of the nation’s top bank.

The head of the regulator BaFin has termed as “unacceptable” the disruptions experienced in Postbank’s online offerings, the difficulty clients had in reaching its customer service and in long processing times.

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Author: Tyler Romero

Last Updated: 1703829122

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Author information

Name: Tyler Romero

Birthday: 1981-04-08

Address: 29297 April Forest, East Kathleen, NV 55400

Phone: +4418574942091465

Job: Article Writer

Hobby: Sculpting, Fencing, Pottery, Gardening, Video Editing, Stargazing, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Tyler Romero, I am a transparent, Open, sincere, bold, skilled, dear, daring person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.